I am......

I find the circumstances and scenario of my birth a combination of magnificent beauty and dazzling perplexity. You see, above me was all cheery, sunny, bright, and clear and somehow in contrast, the bottom was damp, dark and soggy. I could feel it. I wasn’t alone, though. All my brothers and sisters were born from that marshy surface. Perhaps it was a fate of misfortune that brought us misery because as it turned out that my days of freedom were dated, and on one fine day everything was snatched away from me. Someone, perhaps out of envy, tore me out of my cottage; the only place I knew to be my home. The new homelessness status of the time felt less despairing, for the community was still around and loss felt less harsh than it should have.

Rather cruelly, in my opinion, all of us were shoved in a meshy vessel and locked in, cutting off any outside contact and deprived of sunlight. After what felt like days, I was finally let out and given my freedom. The air smelled like air again and things felt a little more hopeful than before.

Alas, my happiness was crudely short-lived and my hopes were dashed against the walls, for no sooner had we been given our freedom another punishment was burdened upon us.  

The newer surroundings bore me the harshest pain of my life. Do trust me when I say that because autobiography has been abridged and doesn’t serve me the justice that I rightfully deserve.

I tolerated as much as I could and for however long I could, but the scalding temperature only allowed room for a certain threshold of resistance. Nature has imbibed a survival mechanism in all of us, thankfully, but the scars it leaves behind are talked about less often than they should be.

My end was closing in. I could feel it. Overjoyed to not stay inside the frail skeletal shell anymore, I delightfully opened my arms to it. The merciless rejection wasn’t the answer I was hoping for at the end of it all. Left out, I joined the amalgam of the most unwanted; the ones who got messed around with a promise of a proper goodbye but were never given one.

And here I lie as I speak to you dear friend, begging you to finish the half-done job that torments me.

Bring me the peace I deserve for I am only…..a mere grain of rice.


Author's note:- The theme is food wastage, if you don't get it.


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